Monday, September 28, 2009

Dashanan viewing

Hi All,
Dashahara was a real fun yesterday!
I took Tanmay, Tanvi along with Neetu to see the effigies and could see a similar kind of excitement and memorisation with those tall and scary structures, that I used to have in my early childhood.
Tanvi was so happy that rest of the day, she kept telling - "पापा!! हमने आज पाँच रावण देखे, एक तिलक नगर का, छावनी का, एक जी पी ओ का, एक इन्द्रपुरी का और एक अपने कैम्पस का।"
Believe me, her eyes were so much glowing while describing all this that I forgot all my exhaustion, that I had in the bright sunny afternoon, because of riding my bike.
I have been confirming this thing time and again that the best gift a parent can give to the children is unshared quality time.
My Vijayadashmi resolution is that I will read and write more than usually I do....
Chalo!!! Happy Vijayadashmi to all of you....